Remove unused sensors from home assistant

Reading Time: 4 minutes

Home assistant, unused sensors, using UI, Using the Developer Tools, Tips for Keeping Your Home Assistant System Clean and Efficient, Things to Keep in Mind When Removing Unused Sensors.

How to Remove Unused Sensors from Home Assistant?

Home Assistant is a popular open-source platform for home automation. It allows you to control and monitor a variety of devices in your home, such as lights, switches, sensors, and more. However, as you add more devices to your Home Assistant installation, you may eventually find that you have unused sensors.

how to remove unused sensors from home assistant - ihomewiz
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Unused sensors can clutter up your Home Assistant dashboard and make it difficult to find the information you need. They can also take up valuable resources on your Home Assistant server.

In this blog post, we will discuss how to remove unused sensors from Home Assistant. We will cover two methods:

Method 1: Remove from the Entities list

Method 2: Remove from the configuration.yaml file

We will also discuss how to purge the historical data for an unused sensor.

How to Remove Unused Sensors in the UI?

The easiest way to remove unused sensors is to do it in the UI. Remove from the Entities list

Here are the steps:

  1. Go to Settings > Devices & Services > Entities.
  2. Find the entity you want to remove and click on the three dots next to it.
  3. Select Delete.

How to Remove Unused Sensors Using the Developer Tools?

If you prefer to use the Developer Tools, you can also remove unused sensors that way. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to Developer Tools > Services.
  2. Search for the Purge Entities service.
  3. Select the sensors you want to remove and click Call Service.

How to Remove Unused Sensors from the Configuration.yaml File?

If you want to remove an unused sensor that is not listed in the Entities list, you will need to remove it from the configuration.yaml file. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Open the configuration.yaml file in a text editor.
  2. Find the section for the integration that the sensor belongs to.
  3. Delete the entry for the sensor.
  4. Save the configuration.yaml file and restart Home Assistant.

Here is an example of how to remove a sensor from the configuration.yaml file:

– platform: template
sensors: sensor_name:
friendly_name: “Sensor Name”
value_template: “{{ trigger.payload.sensor_value }}”
trigger: – platform: mqtt
topic: “sensor/sensor_name”
Use code with caution. 

In this example, the sensor is named sensor_name. To remove this sensor, you would delete the entire sensor_name block from the configuration.yaml file.

Remove Unused Sensors in the UI1. Go to Configuration > Devices & Services > Entities. 2. Find the sensor you want to remove and click the trash can icon. 3. Click Remove to confirm.
Remove Unused Sensors Using the Developer Tools1. Go to Developer Tools > Services. 2. Search for the Purge Entities service. 3. Select the sensors you want to remove and click Call Service.
Remove Unused Sensors from the Configuration.yaml File1. Open the configuration.yaml file in a text editor. 2. Find the line that defines the sensor you want to remove. 3. Delete the line. 4. Save the file and restart Home Assistant.
Summary table

How to purge the historical data for an unused sensor

Once you have removed an unused sensor, you may also want to purge its historical data. This will free up disk space on your Home Assistant server. To purge the historical data for an unused sensor, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Developer Tools > Services.
  2. In the Service field, type purge.
  3. In the Entity field, type the name of the sensor you want to purge.
  4. Click on the Call Service button.

How to remove a sensor from the known_devices.yaml file?

If you want to completely remove an unused sensor from your Home Assistant installation, you can also delete it from the known_devices.yaml file. This file is located in the config directory of your Home Assistant installation.

Deleting the entry for an unused sensor from the known_devices.yaml file is not strictly necessary, but it can help to keep your Home Assistant installation organized.

Things to Keep in Mind When Removing Unused Sensors

  • If the sensor is still being used in any automations or scripts, you will need to update those automations or scripts to remove the reference to the sensor.
  • If the sensor is recording data, you may also need to delete the historical data for the sensor. This can be done in the History tab of the Developer Tools.


Removing unused sensors from Home Assistant is a simple way to keep your system clean and efficient. By following the steps in this blog post, you can quickly and easily remove any sensors that you are no longer using.

Additional Tips for Keeping Your Home Assistant System Clean and Efficient

  • Regularly review your sensors and automations to make sure that they are still needed.
  • Delete any sensors or automations that you are no longer using.
  • Keep your Home Assistant software up to date.
  • Use a cache clearing plugin to clear the Home Assistant cache regularly.

By following these tips, you can keep your Home Assistant system running smoothly and efficiently. If still you are facing issue while removing sensors from Home Assistant, please comment below or you can email us on

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How do I remove unused sensors from Home Assistant?

You can remove unused sensors from Home Assistant in three ways:

  • In the UI: Go to Configuration > Devices & Services > Entities and click the trash can icon next to the sensor you want to remove.
  • Using the Developer Tools: Go to Developer Tools > Services and search for the Purge Entities service. Select the sensors you want to remove and click Call Service.
  • Editing the configuration.yaml file: Open the configuration.yaml file in a text editor and delete the line that defines the sensor you want to remove. Save the file and restart Home Assistant.

What should I do if the sensor is still being used in any automations or scripts?

If the sensor is still being used in any automations or scripts, you will need to update those automations or scripts to remove the reference to the sensor. You can do this by opening the automation or script in the UI and editing the code.

What are some tips for keeping my Home Assistant system clean and efficient?

Here are some tips for keeping your Home Assistant system clean and efficient:

  • Regularly review your sensors and automations to make sure that they are still needed.
  • Delete any sensors or automations that you are no longer using.
  • Keep your Home Assistant software up to date.
  • Use a cache clearing plugin to clear the Home Assistant cache regularly.

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